We are open at the farm every Friday and Saturday from 9am until 3pm. Please note that at this time we do not have every plant available for sale at the farm that is available on the website due to pre-orders. Thanks and hope to see you soon!

Fireweed - Chamaenerion angustifolium

Regular price $7.50

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Phonetic:  kam-ee-NAIR-ee-on an-gus-tee-FOH-lee-um

Fireweed blooms from mid-summer up until the first frost, with intensely pink flowers that progress upward along the stem. This robust spreader loves full sun and plenty of moisture. The pink spires are known to appear in masses on disturbed sites such as logged or burned areas. Because it spreads both by root and by self-seeding it can be persistent and aggressive in the garden. Plan for a large group or massed planting.