Steeplebush - Spiraea tomentosa
Regular price $7.50
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Phonetic: spy-REE-ah toh-men-TOH-sah
Photo by Rob Routledge, Sault College,
Steeplebush is famous for its spires of showy pink flowers and foliage that turns bright reddish gold in the fall. Spiraea tomentosa requires a moist setting and is well suited for planting along shorelines, around ponds, in rain gardens, and naturalized swale or detention areas. Flowers occur on new wood, so prune in late winter or very early spring if needed. It is a larval host plant for the New England Buck moth.
- Hardiness: 3 - 8
- Native Northeast Region: USDA Database
- Sun Exposure: Full, Partial
- Flower Color: Pink and White
- Bloom Time: July, August, September
- Soil Type: Good drainage, moist, acidic soil
- Mature Plant Size: 4'H, 2'W
- Plant Spacing: 18-24"
- Host Plant: New England Buck moth
- Attracts: Bees, butterflies, moths, birds
- Advantages:
- Landscape Uses:
- Companion Plants: