We are open at the farm every Friday and Saturday from 9am until 3pm. Please note that at this time we do not have every plant available for sale at the farm that is available on the website due to pre-orders. Thanks and hope to see you soon!

Northern Blazing Star - Liatris scariosa

Regular price $7.50

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Phonetic: LIE-a-tris skay-ree-OH-sah

Northern Blazing Star prefers medium to dry soils, especially with a sandy or rocky component. It can grow between 2-3 feet tall, taller in moister soils. The purple flowers are thistle-like and are typically about 1 inch across. The flowers grow in columned bunches that can extend up to 18 inches of the overall plant stem. Flowers bloom from the top of the plant toward the bottom, so may fall over unless tied to a stake. These flowers attract many bees and butterflies, especially bumblebees and Monarch butterflies.