Plant sales are closed for the season. Thank you to all of our wonderful customers for making this a successful and fulfilling year! We are now offering garden design services. Book a consultation now and start planning your spring pollinator garden! We are excited to help you create your beautiful garden! Come back January 1st to see our new inventory for 2025.

Wild Sweet William - Phlox maculata

Regular price $12.00

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Phonetic: FLAH-ks mak-yuh-LAY-tuh

Wild Sweet William blooms throughout early summer in a palette of soft pinks. The tubular flowers fan out and open to 5 petite, overlapping petals that hummingbirds find irresistible. Phlox maculata can be distinguished from other Phlox by the purplish spotted or streaked markings on the main stem. This plant requires a moderate amount of soil moisture with good drainage and plenty of organic material. As long as its roots are kept cool and moist, Wild Sweet William will do well in full sun to partial shade.

  • Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  • Native Northeast Region: BONAP Map
  • BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Flower Color: Pink
  • Bloom Time: August, September, October
  • Soil Type: Medium - Moist
  • Mature Plant Size: 2-3'H, 1-2'W
  • Plant Spacing: 1.5'
  • Host Plant: Spotted Straw and Olive Arches moths 
  • Attracts: Bees, Butterflies
  • Advantages: Fragrant, cut flower, long bloom time
  • Landscape Uses: Cottage gardens, perennial borders, butterfly gardens, mass planting
  • Companion Plants: Foxglove, Great Blue Lobelia, Eastern Blue Star