Phonetic: loo-PIE-nus per-EN-is per-EN-is
The blue spires of Wild Lupine are a welcome sight in late spring and early summer. Wild Lupine is an excellent plant for dry sandy soils where so many other plants struggle, but it will not do well in clay soils. It is a host plant for the rare Karner Blue butterfly, the Frosted Elfin and the Eastern Persius Duskywing butterflies.
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Native Northeast Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Full to Partial Sun
- Flower Color: Purple
- Bloom Time: May, June
- Soil Type: Medium - Dry
- Mature Plant Size: 2'H, 1-1.5'W
- Plant Spacing: 1-1.5'
- Host Plant: Eastern Persius Duskywing, Frosted Elfin, Karner Blue, Eastern Tailed Blue, Toothed Somberwing and Silvery Blue
- Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, Hummingbirds
- Advantages: Cut Flowers, deer resistant, enhances soil fertility, tolerates poor soil
- Landscape Uses: Meadows, perennial borders. mass plantings
- Companion Plants: Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Wild Columbine
- Deer Resistant