Plant sales are closed for the season. Thank you to all of our wonderful customers for making this a successful and fulfilling year! We are now offering garden design services. Book a consultation now and start planning your spring pollinator garden! We are excited to help you create your beautiful garden! Come back January 1st to see our new inventory for 2025.

Pussytoes - Antennaria plantaginifolia

Regular price $12.00

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Phonetic: an-ten-AIR-ee-uh plan-tah-JIN-ih-foh-lee-uh

Pussytoes are usually grown for their velvety leaves rather than the white to pale pink flower. The late spring flowers look like tiny cat's feet, thus the name. These flowers will reach up to about a foot in height, but the leaves grow at ground level. Spreading by rhizomes, Pussytoes provide a good ground cover for dry areas such as rock gardens.