Phonetic: rud-BEK-ee-a sub-toh-men-TOH-suh
Sweet Black-Eyed Susan is a long-lived perennial. This deep-rooted Rudbeckia grows at the base to form large clumps with strong multiple stems that may also branch at the top, resulting in an impressive floral display. The plant has a pleasant, sweet smell when blooming and many pollinators frequent the flowers. Rudbeckia subtomentosa prefers a medium clay soil, in full sun and will also bloom in partial shade. Plants can be divided and moved in early spring.
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Full To Partial Sun
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Bloom Time: August, September, October
- Soil Type: Medium
- Mature Plant Size: 4-5'H, 2'W
- Plant Spacing: 2'
- Host Plant: Silvery Checkerspot, Skippers, Various Moths
- Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
- Advantages: Cut flower, deer resistant, long blooming, sweet scent, tolerates poor soil
- Landscape Uses: Butterfly gardens, cottage gardens, mass plantings, meadows, perennial borders, rain gardens
- Companion Plants: Culver's Root, Ironweed, Marsh Blazing Star, New England Aster, Purple Coneflower, Rose Milkweed, Wild Bergamot, Yellow Coneflower
- Deer Resistant