A member of the poppy family, Bloodroot will spread rapidly and colonize to make a great groundcover with optimal conditions. The white flowers open up in the sun and close at night and bloom for only one to two days. Leaves grow up to 9" wide after the blooming period until the plant goes dormant in the summer. The roots of bloodroot are poisonous.
- Hardiness: 3 -8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Shade
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: April, May
- Soil Type: Med Wet to Med Dry
- Mature Plant Size: 6"H - 6"W
- Plant Spacing: 6"-1'
- Host Plant:
- Attracts: Bees
- Advantages: Deer resistant, fragrant
- Landscape Uses: Mass plantings, rock gardens, groundcover
- Companion Plants: Foam flower, Fringed Bleeding Heart, Jack in the Pulpit