Phonetic: ah-GAH-sta-kee
Versatile addition to a flower bed with long blooming flowers that attract numerous bees, butterflies and birds. Can be used as an aromatic cut and dry flower as well as an herbal tea. It is a member of the mint family and can tolerate a wide range of soils.
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Native Northeast Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Full To Partial Sun
- Flower Color: Pale Purple
- Bloom Time: July, August, September, October
- Soil Type: Med-Moist
- Mature Plant Size: 3-5'H
- Plant Spacing: 1.5-2'
- Host Plant: Painted Lady
- Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
- Advantages: Aromatic, cut flower, dried flower, high nectar, long blooming, medicinal and culinary herb, repels harmful insects such as slugs and cabbage moths in the vegetable garden
- Landscape Uses: Butterfly garden, cottage garden, perennial border
- Companion Plants: Foxglove Beardtongue, Meadow Phlox, New England Aster, Purple Coneflower, Orange Coneflower, Summer Phlox