Phonetic: dy-SEN-trah eks-IH-mee-ah
Fringed Bleeding Heart has pink heart shaped flowers that adorn fern-like leaves that will not die back as the traditional old fashioned bleeding heart does. The perfect addition to a shade garden that once established will be more tolerant of dry conditions. Do not plant in an area that is wet in the winter. Deadhead to prolong blooming. Prefers moist hummus soils with good drainage.
- Hardiness: 3-9
- Native Northeast Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Shade
- Flower Color: Pink
- Bloom Time: April, May, June, July
- Soil Type: Med-Moist
- Mature Plant Size: 8-12"H, 12-18"W
- Plant Spacing: 2'
- Attracts: Birds
- Advantages: Deer resistant, cut flower
- Landscape Uses: Rock garden, shade garden
- Companion Plants: Wild Columbine, Jacob's Ladder, Dwarf Crested Iris, Yellow Trout Lily, Jack in the Pulpit, White Trillium
- Deer and groundhog Resistant