Phonetic: yoo-TRO-kee-um pur-PUR-ee-um
Sturdy and tall, Sweet Joe Pye Weed thrives in a shady perennial border. It is adorned with vanilla scented blooms that attract various butterflies, making this plant a great addition to a butterfly garden.
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Partial Sun To Partial Shade
- Flower Color: Pink
- Bloom Time: July, August, September
- Soil Type: Medium to Moist
- Mature Plant Size: 4-7'H, 3-4W
- Plant Spacing: 3-4'
- Host Plant: Three-lined Flower Moth, Red Groundling, Eupatorium Borer Moth
- Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, Songbirds
- Advantages: Deer resistant, long bloom time, tolerates clay soil, vanilla scented flowers and foliage
- Landscape Uses: Accent plant, cottage gardens, mass planting, perennial borders, pollinator gardens
- Companion Plants: Garden Phlox, Native Bergamot, New England Aster, Obedient Plant, Purple Coneflower, Rose Milkweed
- Deer Resistant