Phonetic: SEE-dum ter-NAY-tum
Woodland Stonecrop is a native sedum
- Hardiness: 3-8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Part Shade to Shade
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: April, May, June
- Soil Type: Moist - Medium Dry
- Mature Plant Size: 2-4”H, 1-3”W
- Plant Spacing: 12"
- Host Plant: Common Buckeye, Brown Elfin, and Variegated Fritillary
- Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
- Advantages: Salt Tolerant, Drought Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Edible, Deer Resistant
- Landscape Uses: Rock Wall or Garden, Butterfly Garden, Pollinator Garden, Perennial Border
- Companion Plants: Woodland Phlox, Foam Flower, Dwarf Crested Iris