Phonetic: sim-fy-oh-TRY-kum kor-dih-FOH-lee-um
Delicate, light blue-lavender flowers with pink centers are borne in large clusters above distinctive heart-shaped leaves in late summer. Heart Leaved Aster is perfect for extending color and interest in the woodland shade garden, well into autumn. Spreads slowly by rhizome to form a nice patch.
- Hardiness: 3 - 9
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Part Sun to Part Shade
- Flower Color: Blue
- Bloom Time: September, October
- Soil Type: Medium, Medium - Dry
- Mature Plant Size: 3'H x 2W'
- Plant Spacing: 18" - 24"
- Host Plant: Pearl Crescent, Silvery Checkerspot
- Attracts: Bees, Butterflies
- Advantages: Deer resistant, drought tolerant
- Landscape Uses: Cottage garden, butterfly garden, woodland garden, cut flower garden
- Companion Plants: Sweet Joe Pye Weed, Sweet Goldenrod, Fringed Bleeding Heart, Woodland Phlox, Foam Flower, Wild Geranium, Northern Blue Flag, Garden Phlox