Phonetic: kaw-loh-FILL-um thal-ik-TROY-deez
Blue Cohosh prefers medium to moist soils and grows well in partial to full shade making it an ideal choice for a shade garden. Blue Cohosh blooms in early spring, producing small, greenish-yellow flowers that attract pollinators. Later in the season Blue Cohosh produces striking blue-purple berries that are consumed by small mammals although they are toxic if consumed by humans. Blue Cohosh is also the host plant for the Celastrina neglectamajor butterfly.
- Hardiness: 3-8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Part Shade to Shade
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: July, August, September
- Soil Type: Medium - Moist
- Mature Plant Size: 5'H, 1-3'W
- Plant Spacing: 3'
- Host Plant: Celastrina neglectamajor
- Attracts: Bees, Butterflies
- Advantages: Fragrant, deer resistant, dark green attractive foliage, winter interest
- Landscape Uses: Cottage gardens, cut flowers, dried flower arrangements, shade and woodland gardens
- Companion Plants: Wild Columbine, Jacob's Ladder, Marsh Marigold, Fringed Bleeding Heart, Heart-leaved Aster