Phonetic: hel-EH-nee-um aw-tum-NAH-lay
Sneezeweed flowers in late summer or fall. Fertilize sparingly to avoid stems becoming weak. Prune in spring to encourage stronger stems and branching.
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Native Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Full
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Bloom Time: August, September, October
- Soil Type: Moist
- Mature Plant Size: 3-5'H, 3'W
- Plant Spacing: 1.5-2'
- Host Plant: Dainty Sulphur Butterfly
- Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
- Advantages: Cut flower, deer resistant, tolerates clay soil
- Landscape Uses: Cottage gardens, meadows, moist margins ponds and streams, perennial borders, rain gardens
- Companion Plants: Big Bluestem, Liatris Spicata, Native Bergamot, New England Aster, Joe Pye Weed
- Deer Resistant