Plant sales are closed for the season. Thank you to all of our wonderful customers for making this a successful and fulfilling year! We are now offering garden design services. Book a consultation now and start planning your spring pollinator garden! We are excited to help you create your beautiful garden! Come back January 1st to see our new inventory for 2025.

Monkey Flower - Mimulus ringens

Regular price $12.00

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Phonetic:  MIM-yoo-luss RIN-jens

Monkey flower, also called Allegheny monkey flower, has square stems and resembles the face of a smiling monkey, hence the common name. It is native to stream and pond margins, wet meadows, swampy areas, ditches and moist woodlands. Typical of wetlands, this plant needs consistently moist soils and will slowly spread into a bushy plant, The purplish-blue small flowers can sometimes verge on pink or white and will bloom for 1 month or more in mid-summer.