Phonetic: an-ten-AIR-ee-uh plan-tah-JIN-ih-foh-lee-uh
Pussytoes are usually grown for their velvety leaves rather than the white to pale pink flower. The late spring flowers look like tiny cat's feet, thus the name. These flowers will reach up to about a foot in height, but the leaves grow at ground level. Spreading by rhizomes, Pussytoes provide a good ground cover for dry areas such as rock gardens.
- Hardiness: 3 - 8
- Native Northeast Region: BONAP Map
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Part Sun
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: April, May, June
- Soil Type: Medium to Dry
- Mature Plant Size: 1'H x 1'W
- Plant Spacing: 1'
- Host Plant: American Painted Lady and Oval Telethusia
- Attracts: Bees, butterflies
- Advantages: Attractive foliage, drought tolerant
- Landscape Uses: Rock garden, ground cover, perennial border, butterfly garden
- Companion Plants: Button Blazing Star, Showy Goldenrod, Yellow Coneflower, Harebell, Downy Wood Mint, Butterfly Weed, Wild Lupine
- Deer Resistant