Phonetic: ah-NEM-oh-nee kan-ah-DEN-sis
The attractive foliage and bright white flowers of Canada Anemone provide an excellent groundcover for medium to moist soils. The plants spread rapidly by underground rhizomes to form a solid groundcover. Install plants one foot on center and create a carpet of color in one to two growing seasons.
- Hardiness Zones: 3 -8
- Native Northeast Region: BONAP MAP
- BONAP Map Key Color Guide: Map Color Key
- Sun Exposure: Part Sun to Shade
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: April, May, June
- Soil Type: Moist to Wet
- Mature Plant Size: 1' H, 2-2.5'W
- Plant Spacing: 6-12"
- Host Plant:
- Attracts: Bees
- Advantages: Deer resistant, clay soil, attractive foliage
- Landscape Uses: Ground cover, water garden, shade garden
- Companion Plants: Cardinal Flower, Dense Blazing Star, Eastern Bluestar, Wild Columbine