We are open at the farm every Friday and Saturday from 9am until 3pm. Please note that at this time we do not have every plant available for sale at the farm that is available on the website due to pre-orders. Thanks and hope to see you soon!

Great St John's Wort - Hypericum pyramidatum

Regular price $7.50

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Phonetic: Hy-per-icum pyra-mi-day-Tum

Great St. John’s Wort is a perennial that blooms for about three-weeks between the months of July and August. Its bright yellow blooms are a great food source for many pollinators. Bumblebees are the primary pollinators, but smaller bees and other insects also visit the flowers. Great St. John’s Wort is easily grown in moist, well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. It has the largest flower size in the St. John’s Wort family. Its flowers produce no nectar, only pollen. Making this a great plant for native Bumble Bees, as there is no competition from European Honey Bees.