We are open at the farm every Friday and Saturday from 9am until 3pm. Please note that at this time we do not have every plant available for sale at the farm that is available on the website due to pre-orders. Thanks and hope to see you soon!

~ NH Pollinator Garden Certification Kit - Full Sun to Part Sun Medium to Medium Dry Soil

Regular price $145.00

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Our NH Pollinator Garden Certification Kits include 24, 48 or 72 plants in 24 count trays with each cell measuring 3.25"W x 4.5"H. Each kit includes two design templates and planting instructions for a 96, 192 or 288 s. f. garden. These plants are chosen to support a diverse selection of bees, butterflies and other pollinators with nectar and pollen rich blooms from spring until fall in a garden with the optimal light and soil conditions for the chosen plants. This kit meets the requirements for NH Pollinator Garden Certification. 

Kits ship when all plants are ready. Substitutions will be made if poor germination occurs.

Early Blooms:

Foxglove Beardtongue - Penstemon digitalis (2, 4, 6) 

Golden Alexanders - Zizia aurea (3, 6, 9)

Wild Columbine - Aquilegia canadensis (3, 6, 9)

Mid Season Blooms:

Butterfly Weed - Asclepias tuberosa  (3, 6, 9)

Native Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa (2, 4, 6)

Pearly Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea (3, 6, 9)

Late Blooms:

Blue Stemmed Goldenrod - Solidago caesia (3, 6, 9)

Clustered Mountain Mint - Pycnanthemum muticum (2, 4, 6)

Smooth Blue Aster - Symphyotrichum laeve (3, 6, 9)